While Michelangelo was waiting to be paid for all his work that he had for the Catholic Church, the Church came to him and basically said, "if you don't do this painting for me, I will not pay you your money."Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel between 1508 and 1512. The Sistine chapel is the location for Papal Conclaves and many important service.
It has been told that Michelangelo hardly ever left the Chapel while he was painting it. He would sleep on the scaffolding at night. He would also have his food brought to him and he would eat while he was painting. He hardly ever showered or change clothes. Supposedly, when he would finally take off his boots, pieces of skin would come off because he had been wearing them for so long.
The Sistine Chapel painting mainly consists of 9 stories from the book of Genesis, 12 prophetic figures, and the Last Judgment. The 9 stories from the book of Genesis are:
- The Separation of Light and Darkness
- The Creation of the Sun, Moon and Earth
- The Separation of Land and Water
- The Creation of Adam
- The Creation of Eve
- The Temptation and Expulsion
- The Sacrifice of Noah
- The Great Flood
- The Drunkenness of Noah
The Twelve prophets are:
- Jonah
- Jeremiah
- Persian Sibyl
- Ezekiel
- Erythraean Sibyl.
- Joel
- Zechriah
- Delphic Sibyl
- Isaiah
- Cumaean Sibyl
- Daniel
- Libyan Sibyl
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